I'm Saurabh Sharma and this is my first blog on IBM Tivoli TSM.
You can view my work at : www.tsmtools.co.nf for TSM Free tutorials and Awesome Backup Simulator & Backup Calculator for Corporate Environment.
Objective of writing this article is to share my work with the TSM community and to develop free open source tools/scripts for better TSM Administration and Management. I'm a TSM Administrator for last 2 years and one of my crucial role is to define Data Management policy for Backup Landscape.Suppose Backup architecture comprises of TSM server, Various clients(Win,AIX,Linux,HP-UX), LTO5 Tape Library and different backup profiles includes
- File Level Backup
- TSM for Mail Backup
- TSM for MSSQL/Oracle Backup
- AIX/Linux - file & DB2 Backup
This is an Utility which I've developed to understand the impact of Copy Group(TSM policy) parameters and amount of Data backed up. The algorithm that runs behind the scene take input as Initial Size of Filesystem/Database and it's growth rate(added,modified,deleted files) and TSM Copy Group parametrs
*Results shown in the right pane depends on the Input provided which require thorough understanding of the system & environment and heuristic analysis of Data Change in future.
Growth Of Data on Tape Library
Sample Case Study of File level Backup
Suppose We want to backup a Folder that contain log files(varying size, 17 KB to 1 GB). Retention period of each file is 7 days. If size of folder remains constant, then we can assume that 1/7th files in the folder are deleted daily and almost same no. of files are created daily, no files are modified. We are also backing up DB backup file ABC_DB.bak which is created and deleted daily in the same folder
Assume following Data:
Initial Filesystem Size: Log folder size :150 GB, Database Backup Folder Size : 380 GB, Total: 530 GB Data Added Every Day : 30 GB for Log Files And 380 GB for DB backup :((30+380)*100)/530 = 77% of initial file system Data Changed every day : 0 assuming files are not modified by different application = 0% Data Deleted Every Day : 30 GB for Log files and 380 GB for DB backup as retention period for Log files = 7 days and DB backup = 1 day : ((30+380)*100)/530 = 77% of initial file system As per Policy : Versions Data Exists: 9999 (NO_LIMIT) Versions Data Deleted: 9999 (NO_LIMIT) Retain Extra Versions: 30 Retain Only Version: 9999 (NO_LIMIT) Backup Frequency : Daily Now use above data and analyze the data growth on Tape, following observations were found:
- Data on Tape at the end of 3 month is 41.3 TB (by Backup Calculator) and 'ACTUAL' data present on Tape for this scenario is 49 TB, Timespan: 3 months
- Data is not deleted even when 'Retain Extra Versions' = 30 because REV comes into picture when data is changed and subsequent 'TSM PROGRESSIVE' backup created active and inactive copies of data, but here data is not changed
- The Reason No_LIMIT(9999) is set to VDE and VDD is because of the need of Point in time Recovery
- If Retain Only Version(currently : No-LIMIT) is set to 60 days then data will be stablized to 25 TB indefinately